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Copyright Licenses

What Open access license types are available to authors? +

All open access articles are published under either the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY) or the Creative Commons Attribution, Non Commercial, No Derivatives License (CC BY-NC-ND), in which the copyright remains with the author.

What is a CC-BY license? +

Creative Commons licenses such as CC-BY are used by many academic publishers. The CC-BY license grants the most liberal reuse rights of all commonly used OA licenses. It allows users to distribute, reuse, modify, and build upon work as long as proper attribution to the original article is provided. Works published with a CC-BY license may be used for commercial purposes.Some funding agencies require grant recipients to publish with a CC-BY license. Authors should verify with their funding agency before selecting 

What is the CC BY-NC-ND license? +

The CC BY-NC-ND is similar to the CC-BY license, in that authors are allowed to retain copyright to their work, and end users may reuse the work, provided that they credit the original author. The end user does not have to obtain permission from the authors to reuse the work, but the reuse cannot be for commercial purposes or change the work in any way. Some funding agencies require grant recipients to publish with a CC BY-NC-ND license. Authors should verify with their funding agency before selecting their copyright license.

At what point does an author select an open access license? +

After an article has been accepted, the corresponding author will be prompted to complete the electronic copyright form. If an author is publishing OA, the author will be asked to choose either the CC-BY or CC BY-NC-ND license.